Leadership Team:
Our leadership team recognizes the authority of God, and realizes that we are shepherds who serve under the Chief Shepherd, Jesus Christ. We desire to devote ourselves to prayer and to the ministry of the Word. Our passion and goal is to equip the believers for the work of the ministry until we all attain maturity in the fullness of Christ.

Will has been the Lead Pastor of Coastal Baptist since March 2019. He has been married to Lynn for over 30 years. God has blessed them with 3 children. Will received his Masters degree from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. His passion is sharing the life changing message of Jesus. Having served in the ministry for over 30 years Will’s desire is to help people become fully committed followers of Christ.
Laszlo and Michelle Hatvani-
– College and Career Ministry-
Laszlo and Michelle have been married for twenty-nine years. God has blessed them with four children and two grandchildren. They have served in various church ministry posions over the past twenty-two years. As their oldest children grew into adulthood, they saw the need in the church for teaching and discipling young adults to know Christ and make Him known. They followed God’s call and began serving and leading a small group of men and women in Bible Study and hosting monthly fellowship events to
deepen and strengthen bonds in this small community. Laszlo and Michelle’s desire is for young adults to grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ so that they can live a life that honors and pleases the Lord. If you are a young adult in college or one who is working full-time and want to know more about this ministry, please email Laszlo at lih6732@hotmail.com.
Joshua Cooper
-Worship Leader and Student Ministry-
Women’s Ministry
Michelle is a Jacksonville native and comes to the Coastal family with more than twenty years of serving and leading in various women’s ministry posions. As she began to study God’s Word, God grew her faith in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ and gave her the spiritual gifts of teaching, leadership, and evangelism. God instilled in her a deep passion for women to learn about Jesus through the Scriptures and understand God’s story for all humanity. With the Holy Spirit empowering her, she has taken that God-given passion to lead women on mission trips, speak at women’s conferences here locally as well as internationally, plan women’s ministry events, teach Bible study as well as mentor and pray for women of all ages. If you are in need of prayer or would like more informaon on our Women’s Ministry, please email Michelle at michellehatvani@gmail.com
Caleb and Nyssa Owens have been married since April 2013 and reside in Jacksonville, FL, with their 3 daughters: Nicole, Courtney, and Chloe. They also have a rambunctious Yellow Labrador named MacGyver. With ministry experience ranging from church planting, foreign missions work, Sunday school teaching, and running bus routes, Caleb and Nyssa have a passion to see souls saved and lives changed for Christ.